Replacing a cylinder

When assembled, the cylinder is pressure fit into the adjustment control on the underside of the seat as well as the base so it may take some "elbow grease" to remove it from both.

1. Carefully remove the old cylinder from the Base. Hold the stool off the ground by the cylinder. With a rubber mallet carefully tap around on the base near where the cylinder connects to the base. It may take a little time but the base will fall away from the cylinder.

2. Carefully remove the old cylinder from the underside of the seat. With the base removed, flip the stool upside down and hold the stool off the ground by the cylinder. With a rubber mallet carefully tap around on the adjustment control near where the cylinder connects to the adjustment control of the seat. Again, it may take a little time but the top will fall away from the cylinder.

3. Reassemble with the new cylinder. Once assembled carefully apply weight to newly assembled chair/stool. The weight will pressure fit all components to hold it together.